a whitewashed rowboat-
dark supple fingers lightly
crease the still water
concentric rings-
a whitewashed rowboat-
dark supple fingers lightly
crease the still water
concentric rings-
an inverted sky
the image of autumn clouds
broken by a fish
fall rain-
ripples spread across
a hidden pond
heavy water jugs-
her small bare feet unwashed and
calloused from the road
the rivers edge-
awaiting her turn
in the water
gentle drops of rain
fall from the trees to collect
on my upturned face
quiet water-
minnows surface
beneath my shadow
seeking atonement-
clad in fresh linens, walking
down to the water
dusty winds-
a lake of bricks
cracking in the sun
tumbling down hill
chatting and laughing aloud
running to the sea
freshly frozen-
on the lake shore
crackled glass
after images
through the rain streaked windowpanes
impending thunder
mountain stream
a whisper of
quiet nonsense