an ocean of books
barely able to slake my
thirst for the unknown
gunmetal clouds-
stepping outside
into the deluge
an ocean of books
barely able to slake my
thirst for the unknown
gunmetal clouds-
stepping outside
into the deluge
sunset on the lake
threading my wet fingers through
tangerine waters
salmon skies-
october morning
the hills ablaze
driving down the road
catching a glimpse of my wife
in the passing train.
flat water-
migrating geese
pass overhead
glowing in the dark
the distant lights, reflections
off Jamaica bay
each firefly
tells a story
I may be different
but I am not a problem
that needs to be solved
fly fishing-
different clouds
under the same sky
autumn mornings spent
polishing the temple bells
as the sun rises
footprints in
the morning dew
flags snap in the wind-
lines of waves begin to break
over silver sands
warm breath
on my neck
deafening silence-
either speak out or admit
your complicity
the sea reclaims
what’s rightly hers
standing divided
sunlight shining on my face
my feet in shadow
peeks of sun-
our stately elm
torn asunder
a chance encounter
just glimpse of your face then
you’re lost in the crowd
incoming tide-
all these memories
built on sand