searching for reasons
why I blame everyone else
for my own failings
brooding skies-
trees reflected
in iron water
searching for reasons
why I blame everyone else
for my own failings
brooding skies-
trees reflected
in iron water
shadows of the moon
climbing down from the treetops
to hide from the sun
lakeside dawn-
eider ducks
begin to stir
in a copper bowl
beneath a blooming dogwood
a robin splashes
sudden showers-
a crow flies
through the rain
I am but a leaf
countless among the masses
on the tree of life
approaching autumn-
spring leaves
begin to fall
one hapless squirrel-
suddenly half the city
plunged into darkness
pulling weeds-
squirrels drop acorns
on my head
a copse of willows-
long verdant tresses brunette
in the evening light
prolonged drought-
green pastures
turn to dust
cold tears of mourning
mix with the rain as I turn
my face to the sky
false dawn-
I’m sill here
without you
reliving the past
what lengths I wouldn’t go to
for absolution
dogwood blossoms-
blue jays raid
a sparrow nest
searing hot asphalt-
children splash in the water
from a cracked hydrant
heavy branches-
in the shade
a rope swing
long evening shadows-
the sun half hidden behind
a stand of live oaks
my mind puts flesh
on the shadows