
cold new england streets-
an old oak tree holds onto
the last leaf of fall

first snow-
winter arrives
far too soon


low distant thunder-
the smell of fall in the air
as the rain rolls in

sleeping cats-
outside the rain
turns to sleet


draped across the yard
a patchwork of autumn leaves
quilted by the wind

november air-
bronzed oak leaves
litter the ground


the living desert-
waves carried across the sand
by wind on the dunes

a mindless expanse
of lifeless sand


I can’t sleep at all
visions of the restless dead
inhabit my dreams

moon shadows-
a raven robed
in cobwebs


the front door ajar-
shards of glass litter the hall
of my ruined home

crows take wing –
a fir crashes
to the forest floor


in the driving rain-
train doors close as a blue suit
runs past my window

dripping leaves-
rippled shadows
in clear water


a raging torrent-
black water choked with debris
and bad memories

murky waters-
stirring up
the past


on the village green
the shadows of injustice
hang from an oak tree

greasy smoke-
torches light
a darkened path


blonde and auburn leaves
kissed by the first touch of fall
decorate my lawn

home from work-
she tosses her hair
on the bed