
as the tide comes in
the quiet surf erases
our mingled footprints

salt breezes
clammers digging
in the wet sand


a hot summer morn
in the curl of a turned leaf
the gathering dew

a ringing anvil
beads of sweat


flooded rice paddies
on the roadside sheaves of straw
drying in the sun

high spring sun
nimble fingers
sowing wheat


living day to day
ignoring where I’ve been and
what the future holds

frost on the grass
awake in the dark
breathless and immobile


seeking your guidance
for I cannot find my way
alone through the dark

an eerie green glow
eyes wide open
in the darkness


the low morning sun
behind a red crepe myrtle
it’s branches aflame

fresh snow
blowing alight the coals
of last nights fire


distant sirens wail
slowly I realize that
you’re not coming home

a warm shower
startled awake
by the telephone


well seasoned hardwood
crackles and hisses as it
slowly turns to ash

rolling seas
a cigarette cupped
against the wind


freshly cut flowers
in a wreath of fallen leaves
laid upon your grave

curled sepia photos
seeds taking root in
freshly turned earth


a slice of the night
carved out of a starless sky
gleaming, motionless

chaff in the wind
burnished brass
low on the horizon