warm potbellied stove-
the winter air crackles with
dry night air-
your touch
warm potbellied stove-
the winter air crackles with
dry night air-
your touch
empty wine bottles-
binging our favorite series
into the wee hours
dying embers-
our feet under
the afghan
the last day of spring-
apple blossoms ride on the
late afternoon breeze
crab apples
in the grass
at the podium
a wool blanket wraps itself
around my tongue
summer sun-
snowy cotton
waiting for harvest
by a forest stream
above the frogs and crickets-
winter stars appear
late spring thaw-
fox kits cross
a fallen oak
heavy water jugs-
her small bare feet unwashed and
calloused from the road
the rivers edge-
awaiting her turn
in the water
bitter on the tongue-
the hot bilious taste of
someone else’s fear
an owl’s cry-
the field mouse
a quicksilver moon-
coyotes in the woods call
the gathering dawn
winter moon-
afloat on the
midnight surf
the tv on low-
your breathing slows as you fall
asleep on my chest
the risen moon-
soft cries heard
as you fight sleep
heavy pounding rain
outside my window the world-
a monet painting
early morning rain-
snare drumming
on the skylights