dark grey winter clouds
heavily laden with snow
loom over this town
winter sunrise-
shallow paw prints
in the snow
dark grey winter clouds
heavily laden with snow
loom over this town
winter sunrise-
shallow paw prints
in the snow
the year end draws near-
looking back on regrets for
things I didn’t do
stepping out
onto thin ice
well after midnight
christmas eve fire in the hearth
burning down to ash
a warm hearth-
ashes mix with
the falling snow
deep in the pine boughs-
a cardinal dusted with
the season’s first snow
winter solstice
the last leaf falls
on fresh snow
winter in the air-
unmown fields of autumn grass
yellowed by the sun
looking up-
snowflakes on
your lashes
a dusting of snow
years of footfalls revealed in
the worn granite steps
an old slate roof-
heavy snow piles
up on the eaves
autumn afternoon-
driving home in the dark past
drifts of wind blown leaves
light snow-
a swirl of
amber leaves
a candle and spoon-
unresponsive hazel eyes
far beyond my help
first snow-
yesterday’s news
line his shoes
snow covered pines-
evergreen branches droop low
just before they break
falling snow-
a large crow
in the holly bush
a carpet of frost
woven from the morning dew
spreads across the grass
wrought iron trellis-
late autumn roses
frosted with white