
moonset on the dunes
the smell of last night’s bonfire
lingers in her hair

night tide-
stellar sands blaze
across the sky


partly melted snow-
embers from the campfire rise
toward the gibbous moon

a distant glow-
wood smoke and laughter
carried on the wind


engulfed in blue flames-
as my life turns to ashes
I step out reborn

down among the ashes-
the rain arrives
far too late


the soft light of dawn-
dim street lamps gutter above
aging cobblestones

threads of smoke-
last nights embers
turn to ash


‘neath a festive sky-
cold ashes rain down upon
old lakota land

beneath the stars-
none of us free
unto the last


a flame extinguished-
I conjure up the darkness
to reclaim your soul

whisps of smoke-
a mirror
in the dark


sight not born of eyes-
I see every detail of
the shape of your soul

winter morning-
the smell of your pipe
still lingers


reaching for the sun-
all those years spent climbing up
just to fall back down

scorched earth-
blackened stumps
to the horizon


slow curls of wood smoke-
snow covers the cabin roofs
nestled in the trees

pine boughs-
bent and white
with autumn snow


steel axe and wedges-
an awful lot of effort
for a pile of wood

first snow-
chipmunks bedded
in the wood pile