tufts of rabbit fur
strewn across the forest floor
beneath the owls nest
burning sands-
the condor casts
a broad shadow
tufts of rabbit fur
strewn across the forest floor
beneath the owls nest
burning sands-
the condor casts
a broad shadow
the wind plays a cat
unravelling skeins of snow
as I walk along
the wee hours-
between my legs
a sleeping cat
encroaching shadows
race to fill the void left by
the crumbling day
sleeping dogs-
the shade of
a dying elm
deep in the shadows
a dark malevolence seeps
from out of the woods
wicker basket-
destroying angels
lie in wait
starless winter skies-
ebon velvet overhead
diamond dust below
curls of silver-
the night sky pierced
by the moon
driving home alone
all the while the taste of you
lingers on my tongue
an awkward kiss-
moths flutter
near the porch light
curling photographs-
remnants of an age gone by
taped to my mirror
sepia trees-
winter morning’s
gentle light
the time has come to
take my heart down off the shelf
and gift it to you
long winter shadows-
a snowshoe hare
braves the sun
cracks in the pavement
mirrored by the crows feet in
a homeless man’s face
ivy climbs
crumbling walls
waiting on my turn-
step by step moving forward
ever so slowly
another day
turns to night