born of the mountains
falling over age worn stone
scattering the sun
summer solstice-
roaring water
fills my ears
born of the mountains
falling over age worn stone
scattering the sun
summer solstice-
roaring water
fills my ears
low rolling thunder-
lightning crawls across the sky
rattling windows
summer night-
the sky lit by
heat lightning
summer afternoon-
the hollow ring of wind chimes
in the stagnant air
still water-
minnows gather
beneath the footbridge
on a twisted branch
outside my window a crow
in the black of night
india ink-
an ebony feather
is my quill
midwinter moonlight-
hushed stillness split by the cries
of mother and child
nesting jays-
the silence of
broken eggshells
horizontal rain-
fractured palms and broken dreams
tumble down the street
dark greasy smoke-
The sky lit
by falling embers
gauzy white and gray
shifting in the breeze on a
cerulean sea
morning sun-
dust rises from
the desert floor
the last day of spring-
apple blossoms ride on the
late afternoon breeze
crab apples
in the grass
at the podium
a wool blanket wraps itself
around my tongue
summer sun-
snowy cotton
waiting for harvest
friends and enemies
all are but dust as I wait
for mortality
a dark attic-
old records
gathering dust