it’s been a long ride-
this road’s often difficult
but worth the journey
apple blossoms-
taken by the
wandering wind
it’s been a long ride-
this road’s often difficult
but worth the journey
apple blossoms-
taken by the
wandering wind
an aging pen knife
coaxes an old fisherman
from a block of wood
midday rain-
an empty chrysalis
among the milkweed
my head on your thigh
searching for divinity
in a sunflower
crimson booms
stain the pallid
melting snow
out of the darkness
a stream of purest light fills
this damaged vessel
rising sap-
new buds sprout
from broken branches
look into my eyes
and you can see your beauty
just the way I do
soaring gulls-
the ocean leans in
to kiss the sky
The sun sinking low
With only a few breaths left
I’m not wasting them
skinny dipping
without a care
leave this all behind
take my hand and run with me
into the new dawn
wind blown leaves
cross my path
the final door closed
all the words you wouldn’t hear
and now never will
sudden frost-
orange blossoms
wither and brown
gossamer weavings-
drops of early morning dew
snare the rising sun
the stillness
of false dawn
deep meditation-
searching for infinity
by looking within
lotus blossoms-
deeply breathing
the forest peace