a warm ombré sky
the slowly turning sunlight
at the edge of night
green waters
tadpoles weave
through the rushes
a warm ombré sky
the slowly turning sunlight
at the edge of night
green waters
tadpoles weave
through the rushes
wrapped in a blanket
of condolence and comfort
still mired in grief
shooting stars
crossing skyward
on golden wings
searching for respite
from the stalkers in the night
attacking my toes
morning dew
gossamer threads
catch the sunrise
ashen faced, burning
private humiliations
displayed in public
pine boughs
a glimpse
of scarlet
on the horizon
a perfect amber orb rests
motionless in space
molten silver
seeps through
barren branches
walking through the storm
cold rain running down her back
her umbrella, home
hammered tin
the slow drip of rain
through the roof
box turtles basking
motionless, gently drifting
on a floating log
acorns falling
a silver flash
ripples the water
with needle sharp teeth
and razor edged claws they tear
my curtains to shreds
the thunder
of tiny feet
moonlight runs into
the soft hollow of your throat
and spills down your breast
blue black night
the grey owl
becomes the moon
kindness costs nothing
but a small smile, a warm heart,
and a bit of love
cold pavement
wrapped in the gift
of a warm blanket