awaiting the fall-
swayed by the prevailing winds
rotten at the core
scrub grass-
remnants of glass
in peeling sashes
awaiting the fall-
swayed by the prevailing winds
rotten at the core
scrub grass-
remnants of glass
in peeling sashes
rising car exhaust
lifted on the morning breeze
before dissolving
the waning sun-
at the curb
curling ocean waves-
the blackbird’s white feathered wings
touch an azure sky
glass dipped in frost-
a magpie taps
at my window
sepia photos
memories of summerfields
slowly turn to dust
summer sky-
carousel music
on the pier
I’m holding my breath-
when I hit bottom I know
you’ll help me exhale
ripples of light-
the water’s surface
far above
staring at the clock
waiting an eternity
for the time to change
my mind’s ear-
wide awake
in the dark
a postulant soul
emerges from the shadows
selling fools false light
silver tongues-
gilded lies and
tainted truths
autumn afternoon-
the sound of a cricket lost
amid the tall grass
rotting wood-
silent shadows
of the forest
staccato drumming-
the evening rain disappears
into the night’s fog
scorched earth-
rain on the tin roof
far too late
river clay and dust
takes on a life of its own
much to my chagrin
pounding rain-
the stream a torrent
of mud and debris