
the harsh morning sun-
touring the damage again
for the final time

green and black clouds-
through broken glass
the storm arrives


the hand of darkness
dragging down the daylight as
the sun lies dying

ruthless sun-
vultures wait
in the thermals


she gives him her name-
for a just moment they share
their humanity

snow covered sidewalk-
she wraps her dog
in the blanket


on gossamer wings-
fate finds you leaving this vale
far before your time

endless night
dawn reaches out
her empty hand


wordlessly I watch
as with the greatest of care
you remove my heart

rising from the fog-
taking breaths
that are not my own


uncomfortable chairs-
the smell of antiseptic
I’ll never forget

sheets of rain-
footsteps echo off
glazed white tile


deep in the night sky
beyond the reach of the sun
lost among the stars

desert sky-
asleep under
the constellations


tongue already sharp
another shot of bourbon
hones the razors edge

rain slicked asphalt-
streetlights glare
in the gutter


approaching midnight-
hoping for the winds of change
to blow strong this year

fading daylight-
the future pinned
to our youth


sitting on the stoop-
strangers walking past me with
judgment in their eyes

icy concrete steps-
wrought iron railings
rusted through