our favorite booth
fond memories now haunting
a table for one
calm water
the shadow of
a rope swing
our favorite booth
fond memories now haunting
a table for one
calm water
the shadow of
a rope swing
freshly cut flowers
in a wreath of fallen leaves
laid upon your grave
curled sepia photos
seeds taking root in
freshly turned earth
wandering this earth
unseen, tired, yearning to be
finally at peace
midnight rain
gnarled branches
scrape my window
wrapped in a blanket
of condolence and comfort
still mired in grief
shooting stars
crossing skyward
on golden wings
kindness costs nothing
but a small smile, a warm heart,
and a bit of love
cold pavement
wrapped in the gift
of a warm blanket
clinging to the flames
my mortal sins escape me
carried by the wind
casting bread
upon the water
small talk in their booth
a dinner plate shatters and
she’s back in Iraq
turning winds
a yearling doe
prepares to bolt
aloft and adrift
floating ever so gently
just out of my grasp
by a string
guiding my journey
walking with the ghost of you
on my chosen path
dripping boulders
surging white water
streams diverging
dressed in homespun
with an old straw broom, barefoot
sweeping the dirt floor
breaking sun
moist soil on
the coffin’s lid