covered in lichens-
a tall and stately oak tree
sheds its dead branches
thin mountain air-
all my baggage
suddenly empty
covered in lichens-
a tall and stately oak tree
sheds its dead branches
thin mountain air-
all my baggage
suddenly empty
dusting the knickknacks-
doing my best to ignore
the crumbling walls
afternoon light-
fresh paint on
cracked concrete
a field of shadows-
the bargains made with myself
so swiftly broken
a full flower moon-
silver shadowed
as I leave this world
I pour my soul into you-
one last parting gift
out of the fire-
a perfect vessel
an ocean of sleep-
the receding tide leaves a
tangled mat of dreams
dandelion seeds-
bare whispers
of my mind
reaching from behind
the hands at his neck slowly
loosening his tie
watching ants-
his entire life
buttoned down
a moss covered oak-
the sound of a woodpecker
hollow in the trees
echoes of prayer bells-
an ancient shrine
winter’s dying breath-
the winged herald of spring
arriving too late
morning frost-
tender lilac buds
robed in ice
social distancing-
tulip blossoms pay no heed
to the fall of man
robin’s song-
the day’s writing gone-
a vast expanse of paper
waiting on the muse
pen to paper-
the clock again
rolls over