absent mourning doves-
I wander aimless around
this cold empty house
twelve years gone-
still missing your
hair in the sink
absent mourning doves-
I wander aimless around
this cold empty house
twelve years gone-
still missing your
hair in the sink
draped in tulle and lace
far below the frozen sea-
nestled in
the ocean deep-
lost to time
opalescent clouds-
shadows on the moonlit snow
cast by trees long dead
dying embers-
in the dark I become
the falling snow
weary of donning
this mask, this gown, these gloves, I
once more go to work
hospital corridors-
the white noise
of dying
brought forth from the ice-
my tarnished battle armor
deeply scarred from use
far from the cherry blossoms-
the clarion call
of battle
seventh floor walk up-
down in the street feral cats
howl in the moonlight
stuck to my sheets-
the only breeze
from a passing train
wreaths of dead flowers-
how can I blame you now for
my dirty dishes
the front door locked-
my footsteps echo
down the hall
engulfed in blue flames-
as my life turns to ashes
I step out reborn
down among the ashes-
the rain arrives
far too late
lost in the mirror-
years collecting on the floor
‘neath the barber’s chair
knee deep
in the past
a cold water flat-
the pilot light on the stove
sputters and goes out
new year’s eve-
the rent check