after the bowl sings
so peacefully sits the monk
in meditation
calm water
reflective of
inner peace
after the bowl sings
so peacefully sits the monk
in meditation
calm water
reflective of
inner peace
snowy egrets stand
in the salt marsh, motionless
hunting careless fish
swaying in the
warm salt breeze
spying Earth from space
a hard reminder of our
a sand grain
amidst the
concentric ripples
spreading across the surface
of a misty lake
a striped bass
breaks the surface
the spinning wheel turns
fingers idly making thread
while the mind wanders
on a sea
of imagination
the weathered old man
makes peace with the universe
tending his bonsai
fiddlehead ferns-
seeking god in
the golden ratio
blinded by hatred
enrobed in the ignorance
of what love can be
groping for
the light
the wellspring of souls
beckons inexorably
for us to return
the bodisattfa
delays nirvana
after a brief rest
a bevy of mourning doves
suddenly takes flight
upon wings
across the sun
dedicated to Philip Rigney
a warm summer night
the plaintive cries of a fox
echo from the woods
a burrow
tail wrapped
around her kits