
gilded double doors
open with empty promises
of false salvation

heavy leaden sky-
swollen riverbanks
poised to overflow


tumbling down hill
chatting and laughing aloud
running to the sea

freshly frozen-
on the lake shore
crackled glass


staring deep into
an empty sheet of paper
conjuring the muse

winter’s canvas-
a palette of pine
and fresh snow


a new day dawning
stale vestiges of the past
left by the roadside

first light-
the morning star
through hollow trees


chasing the sunset
just over the horizon
ever out of reach

hoary grass-
the sky aglow in
morning twilight


by the temple gates
burning incense left as a
simple offering

hot springs-
steam rising from
the snow monkeys


visiting the well
my wooden bucket dipping
deep in the moonlight

alongside the lake-
the harvest moon
follows me home


splintering sunlight
broad winter shadows reaching
out across the lea

fresh snow-
a smattering
of paw prints


waiting for the thaw
beneath fallen leaves and snow
a box turtle sleeps

frosted windows-
deeply burrowed
under blankets


the year’s longest night
herald the winter solstice
ere the morning comes

watching our breath-
the black of night
pierced by stars