pockets of moonlight
across the rippled surface
of a mountain lake
midnight water-
still dragonflies
dimple the surface
pockets of moonlight
across the rippled surface
of a mountain lake
midnight water-
still dragonflies
dimple the surface
his paper thin skin
stretched across arthritic hands
so easily bruised
a spreading elm-
our initials
family outings
picnics paid for with the blood
of fallen soldiers
small flags-
dates carved
in cold granite
the wind at your face
sundress flowing out behind
tight against your breast
out favorite elm-
your hair spilled
across my chest
the wind on the dunes-
playful fingers turning the
pages of my book
wet towels-
bare feet
on my dash
april’s robin song-
the morning moon rolls over
and kisses the sun
cat at my feet-
your back warm
against my chest
lace curtains drawn back-
shadows of tiger lilies
adorning my walls
breakfast for one-
fresh cut blooms
on the table
a cool ocean breeze
comes onshore and brings the taste
of salt to my lips
low tide-
footprints of gulls
in the wet sand
canadian geese
on the way to warmer climes-
cloudless autumn sky
mottled light-
kits in their den
below the forest floor
that look in your eyes-
it’s an hour before dawn and
we need to leave now
more beautiful
than ever