
a hot summer morn
in the curl of a turned leaf
the gathering dew

a ringing anvil
beads of sweat


the low morning sun
behind a red crepe myrtle
it’s branches aflame

fresh snow
blowing alight the coals
of last nights fire


the Scottish highlands
a castle ruin, moss, and stone
rising from the moors

falcons take wing
moonlight ripples
on the loch


dawn by the lakeside
white herons fly over mist
lit by the sunrise

morning coffee
steam rises
off the grass


long morning shadows
the first sign of winter falls
from the autumn sky

winter’s finger
paint on my
window panes


searching for respite
from the stalkers in the night
attacking my toes

morning dew
gossamer threads
catch the sunrise


an eclipse of moths
dancing around the asters
joyful for the fall

october dawn
sycamore seeds
drifting in the breeze


as dawn approaches
the breath of autumn whispers
in the swirling leaves

barefoot at dawn
walking in the surf
I draw you closer


as night turns to day
the glow of the morning star
hidden by the dawn

last night’s coals
by my breath
flare to life


sunflowers in bloom
all turning in unison
to bask in the sun

a salamander
atop a fence post
awaits the dawn