stumbling badly
pausing on the precipice
of complete collapse
smooth sailing
seeking freedom
from consequence
stumbling badly
pausing on the precipice
of complete collapse
smooth sailing
seeking freedom
from consequence
seeking your guidance
for I cannot find my way
alone through the dark
an eerie green glow
eyes wide open
in the darkness
on the river bank
the flashing of fireflies
set the trees alight
soaring gulls
an empty shell
half in the sand
flashes light the sky
the guttural wind, distant
whither comes the storm
laid bare
seeking shelter
standing in judgement
my perceived righteousness trumps
your humanity
holding back
the avalanche
wrapped in a blanket
of condolence and comfort
still mired in grief
shooting stars
crossing skyward
on golden wings
searching for respite
from the stalkers in the night
attacking my toes
morning dew
gossamer threads
catch the sunrise
dressed in homespun
with an old straw broom, barefoot
sweeping the dirt floor
breaking sun
moist soil on
the coffin’s lid
running on instinct
pure adrenaline, and a
case of diet coke
pewter moonlight
silver fish turn
in pools of mist
windows thrown open
sheer curtains gently wafting
in the evening breeze
becoming Icarus
flying westward
chasing the sun