an aging oak tree-
all our sins laid bare beneath
the outstretched branches
a shoe in the grass-
the tire swing
an aging oak tree-
all our sins laid bare beneath
the outstretched branches
a shoe in the grass-
the tire swing
the burning forests-
gaia’s tears turn to embers
borne off by the wind
peals of thunder-
rain falling
on a wild fire
I’ve struggled so long
stumbling through the darkness
blinded by the truth
the light of
a false dawn
shellshocked and bleeding-
wandering the husk of a
demolished building
floating ash-
Nothing left but
deafening silence
my better judgement
failing me once again for
momentary bliss
late summer-
the prayers
of the mantis
weeping cherry trees-
a wistful gaze through windows
that never open
budding branches-
a cockatoo’s
clipped wings
the marquee of dreams
in the theatre of my mind
ripe with false promise
summer rain-
the blind
desert sands
the hum of the road
whispering it’s lullaby
rocking me to sleep
empty conch shells-
a rush of warm surf
overcomes me
living night to night
afraid of my own shadow
lest I feel the sun
crying gulls-
a distant sandbar
bakes in the sun
I still feel you here
disturbing the emptiness
well after you’re gone
hard rain off
the tin roof