another meeting-
I know your failings so well
as I do my own
rain slicked neon-
another club soda
graces my glass
another meeting-
I know your failings so well
as I do my own
rain slicked neon-
another club soda
graces my glass
knelt down before you-
my voice offered as a sign
of my devotion
scorched copper sky-
blood I’ve spilled
on your alter
chocolate ice cream
slowly melting in the heat
of the summer sun
amber skies-
an ice cream truck
around the corner
the fifth of July
a time for reflection on
what we have become
saguaro cactus-
a small sneaker
in the sand
above the highway
a red tailed hawk circling
riding the thermals
an osprey plummets
to the sea
my open window-
from the red barn a white owl
asks me one question
the field mouse stares
at his death
second grade romance-
a slip of paper folded
and passed hand to hand
mardi gras-
her number on
a bar napkinL
waiting for the sea-
an ancient mariner mourns
the arriving tide
bedraggled skies-
limp with rain over
an unkempt sea
a sidewalk cafe-
lunch forgotten as a crow
lands on my table
al fresco-
a rain drop
in my coffee
in a shadow box
fragments of my broken heart
preserved and on display
shimmering heat-
pools of water
just out of reach