a lovers embrace
two hot tempers intertwine
leaving just ashes
falling snow-
crackling in
our fireplace
a lovers embrace
two hot tempers intertwine
leaving just ashes
falling snow-
crackling in
our fireplace
seeking inner peace
yearning to quench the darkness
that burns in my soul
a cold late
autumn rain
putting down the phone
the harsh meaning of your words
doesn’t register
distant rain-
waiting on my touch
your warm skin rising up in
rose petals-
the taste of
your breath
asleep on the beach-
so far away from winter
and your icy touch
caribbean surf-
tracing lazy circles
on the small your back
embers burning low-
on the rim of my wine glass
crimson lipstick stains
ruby lips and
a good bordeaux
filling the valley-
bright sunlight captured in the
autumn morning mist
slanted sunlight-
in the canyon
a river of fog
early summer hay
cut by hand and harvested
drying in the sun
short shadows-
winnowing wheat
under the burning sun
eyes closed, steady breaths-
trying to push the anger
back into the box
boiling seas-
lava slowly turns
to cold stone
rising from the sea-
her newly formed shores made from
black and steaming glass
predawn chill-
venus and jupiter dance
in the twilight