rising from the sea-
her newly formed shores made from
black and steaming glass
predawn chill-
venus and jupiter dance
in the twilight
rising from the sea-
her newly formed shores made from
black and steaming glass
predawn chill-
venus and jupiter dance
in the twilight
ashes and embers-
my gentle caress lingers
barely on your lips
cold glass-
the distance
of your touch
mired in the past
endlessly forced to repeat
the sins of my youth
born of fire-
ashes rise
into the night
stone walls and dirt floors-
candle flames cling to their wicks
throwing dark shadows
straw bedding-
a tallow candle’s
uneasy light
twisted, I fall through my dreams
and land in my bed
fire across
the evening sky
sunset on the lake
threading my wet fingers through
tangerine waters
salmon skies-
october morning
the hills ablaze
glowing in the dark
the distant lights, reflections
off Jamaica bay
each firefly
tells a story
brake light in the fog
dozens of burning red eyes
peering through the mist
clearing haze-
wet leaves on
dangerous curves
standing divided
sunlight shining on my face
my feet in shadow
peeks of sun-
our stately elm
torn asunder
a sudden silence
painful accusations still
hanging in the air
tiny monarchs-
milkweed seeds