the hand of darkness
dragging down the daylight as
the sun lies dying
ruthless sun-
vultures wait
in the thermals
the hand of darkness
dragging down the daylight as
the sun lies dying
ruthless sun-
vultures wait
in the thermals
on gossamer wings-
fate finds you leaving this vale
far before your time
endless night
dawn reaches out
her empty hand
the silver wolf moon-
in truth I’ll beg no solace
until the sunrise
so many people-
at lunch in the park
he yearns for the moon
uncomfortable chairs-
the smell of antiseptic
I’ll never forget
sheets of rain-
footsteps echo off
glazed white tile
a waking nightmare-
here monsters fear to tread
into the darkness
black water-
probing the depths
of depravity
approaching midnight-
hoping for the winds of change
to blow strong this year
fading daylight-
the future pinned
to our youth
sitting on the stoop-
strangers walking past me with
judgment in their eyes
icy concrete steps-
wrought iron railings
rusted through
past a dark alley
a chorus of feral cats
and toppled trash cans
over the car horns
and the shouting-
more sirens
blinded by the pain-
your small hand comes to guide me
out of the darkness
crystal sky-
the sudden flight
mourning doves
high above the ground-
defying gravity while
wrapped in flowing silk
empty fairgrounds-
torn and faded canvas
flaps in the wind