I’m holding my breath-
when I hit bottom I know
you’ll help me exhale
ripples of light-
the water’s surface
far above
I’m holding my breath-
when I hit bottom I know
you’ll help me exhale
ripples of light-
the water’s surface
far above
wild racing thoughts-
my fix is the sleep I so
desperately crave
an open window-
coyotes call out
in the rising dawn
I can feel you breathe
swaddled in my dead embrace
my arms paralyzed
a twin bed-
your pajamas
against my skin
staring at the clock
waiting an eternity
for the time to change
my mind’s ear-
wide awake
in the dark
a postulant soul
emerges from the shadows
selling fools false light
silver tongues-
gilded lies and
tainted truths
staccato drumming-
the evening rain disappears
into the night’s fog
scorched earth-
rain on the tin roof
far too late
deep in the pine boughs
two gray squirrels chase each other
around the tree trunks
gray squirrel-
scolding me
from on high
the cruel midday sun-
neat rows of old cars in their
final rusting place
high noon-
steam billows from
my open hood
our long entrance hall-
the empty peg on the wall
where your coat once hung
distant smoke-
years of farmland
turned to ash
months of sundays gone-
I still just can’t get used to
sleeping without you
autumn winds-
the restless swirl
of fallen leaves