walking in the snow
grinning as you casually
step in my footprints
robin tracks-
early spring
walking in the snow
grinning as you casually
step in my footprints
robin tracks-
early spring
a new day dawning
stale vestiges of the past
left by the roadside
first light-
the morning star
through hollow trees
chasing the sunset
just over the horizon
ever out of reach
hoary grass-
the sky aglow in
morning twilight
the year’s longest night
herald the winter solstice
ere the morning comes
watching our breath-
the black of night
pierced by stars
early morning haze
the pale tint of the full moon
just above the trees
first light-
the fog and I
rise together
waiting for the train
a low mournful whistle drones
off in the distance
an iron sky
heavy snow falls
on distant peaks
the hours before dawn
weaving my way back home through
the thinnest of light
gently becoming
as one with
the winter sky
jewel in the lotus
tibetan prayer wheels turned by
cascades of water
a winter dawn
snow skates across
the temple threshold
a hot summer morn
in the curl of a turned leaf
the gathering dew
a ringing anvil
beads of sweat
the low morning sun
behind a red crepe myrtle
it’s branches aflame
fresh snow
blowing alight the coals
of last nights fire