
approaching daybreak-
the sea air rimed with salt and
the taste of seaweed

sand and foam-
the gull’s cry


an old stone jetty-
the last hint of sunset ebbs
with the falling tide

ashen driftwood-
heavily sculpted
by the pounding surf


shining white marble-
the mourning dove comes to rest
on a lion’s mane

time worn steps-
halfway between patience
and fortitude


ivory wavelets-
remnants of the evening’s wind
scalloped in the snow

winter’s fury-
a tempest borne
on driven snow


dark ominous skies-
the grey wolf moon veiled behind
a thin scrim of clouds

winter jetty-
snow falls on
the rising tide


opalescent clouds-
shadows on the moonlit snow
cast by trees long dead

dying embers-
in the dark I become
the falling snow


cocooned in afghans-
bright remnants of creation
streak across the sky

deep desert night-
the great arc of stars
lights the horizon


engulfed in blue flames-
as my life turns to ashes
I step out reborn

down among the ashes-
the rain arrives
far too late


pinpoints of silver-
constellations embroidered
on a velvet sky

woolen blankets-
meteor spotting
on a winter night


the soft light of dawn-
dim street lamps gutter above
aging cobblestones

threads of smoke-
last nights embers
turn to ash