my back turned to you-
pretending to be asleep as
you climb into bed
angry clouds-
blue skies
my back turned to you-
pretending to be asleep as
you climb into bed
angry clouds-
blue skies
my blood in the sink-
I should be panicking but
I can’t feel the pain
tendrils of fog-
undisturbed by the hooves
of a pale horse
I am but a leaf
countless among the masses
on the tree of life
approaching autumn-
spring leaves
begin to fall
a laboring fan-
august heat makes fonder my
memories of snow
summer sun-
my verdant lawn
sere and brown
chocolate ice cream
slowly melting in the heat
of the summer sun
amber skies-
an ice cream truck
around the corner
my open window-
from the red barn a white owl
asks me one question
the field mouse stares
at his death
dark murky waters
dirt and debris stirred up from
raking the bottom
cold rain-
a dark past
muddied by truth
born of the mountains
falling over age worn stone
scattering the sun
summer solstice-
roaring water
fills my ears
in a shadow box
fragments of my broken heart
preserved and on display
shimmering heat-
pools of water
just out of reach
cold mountain water-
a riverbed lined with stones
tumbled smooth by time
the forest green-
a whispering brook
shares its secrets