
curled up on cardboard-
nameless faceless commuters
pass without a glance

fingerless gloves-
dreaming of a home
not a doorway


reaching for the sun-
all those years spent climbing up
just to fall back down

scorched earth-
blackened stumps
to the horizon


a great bald eagle-
I’m forced to watch her greatness
fly on broken wings

a woodland pond-
the still water


another black cloud-
rain runs down my iron skin
leaving trails of rust

acid rain-
too much life
etched in my face


the dimly lit booth-
a small guttering candle
spills it’s meager light

two martinis-
your foot on
my bar stool


talking to himself-
making his way down a street
only he can see

gathering clouds-
her eyes a shade of
coffee cream


angry winter night-
grey shutters on the northern wall
banging in the wind

on the south porch-
sharing the sunrise as
the wind chimes slowly


circling eagles-
nesting on the mountaintop
as Sisyphus weeps

wavering sands-
a desert oasis
just out of reach


the harsh morning sun-
touring the damage again
for the final time

green and black clouds-
through broken glass
the storm arrives


below the surface-
shadows of nameless horrors
rise up unbidden

deep in the night-
wrenched from sleep by
echoes of dreams