
endlessly sifting
the detritus of the day
while sleep eludes me

an unkempt sky –
wind driven surf
pounds the shore


you are my center-
the sky above my head and
ground beneath my feet

autumn leaves-
take from me the
very air I breathe


out of the darkness
a stream of purest light fills
this damaged vessel

rising sap-
new buds sprout
from broken branches


the scars on your soul-
mementos of battles fought
but never quite won

broken silence-
the distant crash
of rutting bucks


staring at myself
the mirror reflecting my
wasted innocence

a ragged doll
on dusty road


a banging screen door
the ghosts of conversations
echo in the wind

merciless sun –
the empty ring
of wind chimes


every nerve exposed-
in the comfort of her mind
she shuts out the world

long afternoon shadows-
an old rocking horse
threadbare and faded


the final door closed
all the words you wouldn’t hear
and now never will

sudden frost-
orange blossoms
wither and brown


lashed tight to the mast-
tempted by the siren song
of just one more drink

steaming pavement-
distant sirens bay
at the full moon


living with strangers-
years torn from my memory
replayed day by day

dimming light-
a quiet place
to lay my head