wolves of stone and snow
insubstantial in the light
of the forest moon
rising embers-
mournful howling
in the distance
wolves of stone and snow
insubstantial in the light
of the forest moon
rising embers-
mournful howling
in the distance
the ghost of winter
runs her fingers through my hair
and kisses my neck
a cold wind-
blowing sand
and salt spray
on a twisted branch
outside my window a crow
in the black of night
india ink-
an ebony feather
is my quill
a line of turtles
asleep on a fallen log
as I float on by
flat water-
making waves
clearing the tables-
the bartender stacks the chairs
yet we’re still talking
lost in your eyes-
waiting to speak
two simple words
rain thunders outside-
oil painted landscapes smearing
against my window
old masters-
failing vision
frozen in time
ashen metal sky-
slowly rolling cattle cars
descend into hell
chain link fence-
the walking dead
in black and white
the bedroom window-
a midnight breeze eases past
the open curtains
april morning-
open windows
heavy blankets
muscle and sinew-
soot stained and glistening from
the heat of the forge
shimmering heat-
the cold ring of
hammer on steel
walking from the train
a soft rain begins to wash
off the day’s burdens
eyes closed-
rocked to sleep
among strangers