ashes and embers-
my gentle caress lingers
barely on your lips
cold glass-
the distance
of your touch
ashes and embers-
my gentle caress lingers
barely on your lips
cold glass-
the distance
of your touch
this life all too brief-
a freshly fallen snowflake
melting in my hand
spring sky in
a robin’s egg
a callous wind blows
through the cracks in these old bones
and broken windows
rusty mountains-
poppy fields in
a sniper’s scope
autumn morning light
wanders in through the curtains-
your slow even breath
waking to
a sudden rain
icy autumn breath
a sliver of the full moon
gazes down on me
morning run-
frozen leaves
crunch underfoot
staring unfocused-
bloodshot sky barely noticed
through these bleary eyes
a morning dove
splits my skull
arid desert sands
old leather cracking in the
unforgiving sun
rising smoke-
a candle’s
last remnants
the window broken-
in the unlit house glass shards
crunching underfoot
descending silence-
a wizened elm
flags snap in the wind-
lines of waves begin to break
over silver sands
warm breath
on my neck
inhaling my breath-
fresh clay from the river banks
shaped in my image
amber leaves-
a broken vessel
returned to the earth