an aging lighthouse
stands sand blasted and buried
by the walking dunes
frigid winds-
the predawn
desert frost
an aging lighthouse
stands sand blasted and buried
by the walking dunes
frigid winds-
the predawn
desert frost
reeds and rushes-
a warm tide ebbs from the marsh
and runs to the sea
sea glass-
walking the beach
at low tide
waves rise up and fall
the rhythm of the ocean
moves us together
the swell
of your hips
the lobsterman’s wife
watching the lighthouse at the
dying of the day
silent passage-
darkening water
laps the shore
clouds out ash and dust-
the soil of this arid land
affords no purchase
orange skies-
rivers of black glass
plunge into the sea
the wind on the dunes-
playful fingers turning the
pages of my book
wet towels-
bare feet
on my dash
a cool ocean breeze
comes onshore and brings the taste
of salt to my lips
low tide-
footprints of gulls
in the wet sand
seagulls hovering
wings outstretched and motionless
faced into the wind
beach sand in her
wind blown hair
leaning back eyes closed
listening to the whitecaps
as they roll on shore
salt spray-
roaring wind
in my ears
a once proud lighthouse
wind battered, cracked and aging
still stands defiant
chalk cliffs-
scoured by
an angry sea