the ghost of winter
runs her fingers through my hair
and kisses my neck
a cold wind-
blowing sand
and salt spray
the ghost of winter
runs her fingers through my hair
and kisses my neck
a cold wind-
blowing sand
and salt spray
driftwood and clam shells
dried seaweed and rushes line
the high water mark
curling waves-
preening ducks
bathe in the surf
a cool morning breeze-
silver waves ripple across
unmown fields of grass
gulls over the beach-
cattails bowed to
the rising sun
sedona night skies-
a desert scorpion crawls
across my bedroll
embers rise to greet
the desert stars
rid of you at last
cut from where you’d gotten lodged
just under my skin
last year’s maple leaves-
splinters from a
prior life
the slow push of surf-
a lighthouse in the distance
obscured by the fog
distant foghorns
cairns lost
to the tide
the smell of sawdust-
practiced hands work the gouges
turning wood to art
ocean waves-
driftwood rests
among the shells
brutal onshore winds-
a nor’easter whips the sea
as waves pound the beach
my collar up-
a man chases
his hat
leaving my baggage
there’s far too much to carry
along this journey
the river left behind-
ewer water
darkens the road
black potbellied stove-
the evening’s load of firewood
stacked up along side
stars in the sand-
our fire stoked
by the ocean breeze