dealing with the grief
of saying goodbye to you
for the final time
at last
in peace
dealing with the grief
of saying goodbye to you
for the final time
at last
in peace
fine handmade Washi
creased and folded into art
by talented hands
watching the birth
of an origami
coruscating veils
of yellow, purple, and green
midnight in Norway
pebbled skin
encouraging words
left in the chinks in my walls
for my future self
in a sky blue egg
cracks begin
to appear
these poorly built walls
of isolationism
so easily breached
a spreading oak
the cat awaits
her safe descent
a clandestine tryst
made all the more exciting
by the recklessness
high desert sun
entwined eagles
fall to the earth
a misty red haze
growing stronger feeding on
hate, fear, and anger
cold rain
wolves circle
a wounded deer
staring at the stars
she walks in the warm surf while
winds tousle her hair
herring gulls
skimming on the
offshore breeze
the rain’s heady scent
rolls in on the thickened air
of the coming storm
weave the air above
a honeysuckle vine
the moon overhead
a toad lifted from the lane
sitting in my hand
walking together
for the first time
your hand finds mine