bottles of cognac
cast upon volcanic rock
a gift to pele
rivers of fire
run to the sea
bottles of cognac
cast upon volcanic rock
a gift to pele
rivers of fire
run to the sea
building my fortress
I bury my emotions
beneath the first stone
late night frogs
in my stone walls
hiding from the sun
living in the shadows while
I curse the darkness
the moon obscured-
my ancient thirst
almost a year clean
yet I still have a hard time
passing by the spoons
closing time –
club soda
my paltry reward
unsure of how to deal with
my first streaks of gray
afternoon light-
test swatches
on the wall
staring at the floor
scuffed and worn beneath my seat
from those in my shoes
dawn breaks-
outside the
waiting room
doe-eyed sycophants-
suckling at the teat of
this festering pig
the lack of sunlight
goes unnoticed
the knife in my back
carved the windows in the walls
I’d built for myself
creeping ivy-
ruins of stone
underneath my bed
photos of my childhood
slowly fading lies
an old cigar box-
sacred relics
of my youth
alone on the road
speeding towards oblivion
far away from you
velvet panic-
our safe word