
wind at the windows-
as I move to tend the fire
the cat takes my seat

late winter morn-
my calico sleeps
in a patch of sun


the slow push of surf-
a lighthouse in the distance
obscured by the fog

distant foghorns
cairns lost
to the tide


great sheets of lake ice
cracked and heaving in the sun
as they come onshore

a cold night-
the ice in your drink
begins to melt


ripples on ripples-
the pond’s once glassy surface
welcomes back the rain

a forest lea-
the doe and her fawn
return to the wood


tiger lilies bloom-
last year’s fallen leaves begin
dancing with the wind

crocus blooms –
a young robin
in my birdbath


rhapsody in blue-
the crush of humanity
just outside my ears

the subway shuttle-
a ragged busker
bows his violin


clutching thoughts and prayers
while we let those who suffer
slip through our fingers

predawn chill-
sleeping children
suddenly fatherless


a time worn foot path
generations of sandals
eroding the stones

along the path-
moss grows over
the garden stones


the smell of sawdust-
practiced hands work the gouges

turning wood to art

ocean waves-
driftwood rests
among the shells


a long meander-
river banks bent by the slow
persistence of time

weeping willows-
cattails and rushes
bend in the wind