an overnight storm
invades my dreams and I wake
to trees turned to glass
frozen rain-
crystal branches
brush the ground
an overnight storm
invades my dreams and I wake
to trees turned to glass
frozen rain-
crystal branches
brush the ground
a nested raven-
spreads his ebon wings beneath
the lunar eclipse
winter sky-
the moon
as blood
the hours before dawn
I wake to your skin on mine
under the duvet
winter’s breath-
maple leaves
under fresh snow
pour me another
for I’m not yet numb enough
to make new mistakes
darkling beetles-
drunk on the
morning dew
living day to day
wondering the earth searching
for my salvation
a glint in the sun-
The key hiding
in plain sight
at the old stone well
I peer into the darkness
looking back at me
moss covered stone-
I dip my bowl into
the well of souls
reaching for your hand
I would touch you if only
I could turn back time
under the oak tree-
lost in our
warm potbellied stove-
the winter air crackles with
dry night air-
your touch
the wan morning light-
wrapped up in your nakedness
unwilling to move
your damp hair-
for now I’m
the big spoon
empty wine bottles-
binging our favorite series
into the wee hours
dying embers-
our feet under
the afghan