
freshly turned earth falls
from the back of my shovel
burying the light

overcast skies-
a tenuous flame
turns to smoke


the heat off your skin
bending the air and making
my resolve waver

desert sands-
shimmering water
in the distance


my head on your thigh
searching for divinity
in a sunflower

crimson booms
stain the pallid
melting snow


endlessly sifting
the detritus of the day
while sleep eludes me

an unkempt sky –
wind driven surf
pounds the shore


you are my center-
the sky above my head and
ground beneath my feet

autumn leaves-
take from me the
very air I breathe


melting chips of ice
droplets chase my finger down
the small of your back

a distant tor-
morning dew bends
the desert grass


a guttering flame
struggling to hold the wick
before going out

roiling clouds-
searing winds blow
the grasslands ablaze


the hum of the road
whispering it’s lullaby
rocking me to sleep

empty conch shells-
a rush of warm surf
overcomes me


out of the darkness
a stream of purest light fills
this damaged vessel

rising sap-
new buds sprout
from broken branches


the scars on your soul-
mementos of battles fought
but never quite won

broken silence-
the distant crash
of rutting bucks